2nd Visitors Workshop

2nd Visitors Workshop from March 12 – March 13, 2020
at Schloss Atzelsberg, Atzelsberg 1, Marloffstein
In addition to the RTG seminars, the annual alumni and visitors workshop enables scientific exchange with external experts and shall thus stimulate intense discussions. The RTG’s Mercator fellows and additional visiting researchers from the fields encountered in the RTG, but also from other related research fields, are invited to these workshops. In a later stage of FRASCAL, members of former cohorts (“alumni”) will be invited to report on their current scientific work and careers.
Please note:
Due to the current situation concerning CoVid-19 and the associated changed conditions for our workshop, we decided to hold our workshop in a reduced form. The workshop now only takes place on March 12th, the location and schedule remain unchanged. More details can be found in the attached program.
We kindly ask for your understanding.
The program for the 2nd Visitors Workshop of GRK 2423 FRASCAL be downloaded here:
If you want to participate in the Workshop, we kindly ask to register by February 27, 2020 at the latest: