The Sky is the Limit – MINT-Wissenschaftlerinnen an der FAU

Cover of the publication: The Sky is the Limit - Female MINT Scientists at FAU

The Sky is the Limit

MINT-Wissenschaftlerinnen an der FAU
Female STEM Scientists at FAU

Multifaceted, inspiring and innovative – in this print and online publication in German and English, we present 22 female scientists from the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering at FAU in varied interviews. We show a panorama of female FAU scientists of different qualification levels and academic positions, from students to W3 professors. As role models, the female researchers from the STEM subjects motivate young female scientists to pursue an academic career by reporting on their personal experiences and providing exciting insights into their professional careers. But we also get to know the female STEM experts from their private side.

This publication is a cooperation between GRK 2423 FRASCAL and the Office for Gender and Diversity.

The online version can be downloaded (PDF).

Please contact us if you would like to order a free print copy.

Contact persons:

Dr. Andrea Dakkouri-Baldauf, GRK 2423 FRASCAL

Dr. Magda Luthay, Office for Gender and Diversity

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