Announcement: 2nd FRASCAL Symposium

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Poster: Announcement of the 2nd FRASCAL Symposium
Location: Wassersaal (Orangerie) 

On 15 March 2023, the 2nd FRASCAL Symposium will take place at the Orangerie in Erlangen. At this symposium, the principal advisors of the GRK 2423 FRASCAL projects and the prospective future Mercator fellows will contribute their own insights into the fracture problem from a higher-level perspective in seven talks, providing a basis for stimulating discussions and interactions for the participating colleagues and young researchers.

Guest speakers are Laura De Lorenzis (ETH Zurich), Manuel Friedrich (FAU), Paolo Moretti (FAU), Christian Wick (FAU), Erik Bitzek (MPIE Düsseldorf), Daniel Koehn (FAU) and last but not least Anna Pandolfi (Politecnico di Milano).

The event is expected to last from 9:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Beverages and snacks will be provided.

The detailed programme of the 2nd FRASCAL Symposium can be downloaded here.


If you would like to attend the 2nd FRASCAL Symposium, please register until 5 March 2023 here:


Participation in the symposium is free of charge.